So I've taken the last two days virtually at home, in that I popped into the office to go through post, do a couple of things, talk to my team and I have my emails and remote access to working documents at home, but apart from that...I can rest if I need to. It is interesting, but for me, having remote access and being able to access emails etc actually makes it feel easier for me to have a sick day. I don't know why, perhaps because if you are actually fully absent from the office things can blow up without you knowing about them and get a bit out of hand, whereas if you're aware as things develop, you can start dealing with them or at least not come in the following day to a bloated inbox and a paper explosion on your desk, not knowing where to start...
So because I am feeling a little bit more human and a bit less like a sad tellytubby, I put this little number on today:
Top: LK Bennett Jeans: JBrand Loafers: Tods Bag: Prada |
This is a more casual outfit than I would normally wear if I was having just a typical working from home day - because I'm still unwell and just want to be really comfortable I thought this sort of preppy look would be fine. Well, it's my version of a preppy look. The blouse is actually black, it's the Tilly blouse by LK Bennett and it comes in a fabulous bright red and yes, in usual style, I have both.
So I'm off to have some soup for lunch and after that I'll probably have a rest, unless something urgent comes up for work :) xo
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